

I feel like I am a bad mom.
Case in point....
I switched Halle to a forward facing carseat prior to 1 year.
My justification? She is bigger than a one year old, has been sitting up by herself since month 4, could not straighten her legs and hated being rear facing.
Halle does not have a doll
.... sorry they creep the hell out of me. She loves all of her animals and I turned out fine with just having stuffed animals.
I have no intention of taking away her binki when she turns 1.
She loves to chew on it, and sometimes it helps her sleep. The bottle is a different story.
I absolutely HATE for Halle to be dirty
tell me i'm robbing her of her childhood. I'm just not ok with her eating rocks and dirt and ruining her clothes (THIS is why I do not have a boy).
I work full time,
so does Jonathan. This means Halle is with a sitter Monday through Friday (and sometimes Saturdays). I wish I could spend more time with her, but I love the fact that she is around other people.
I have always let Halle cry herself to sleep.
Sorry if you think i'm the meanest mom ever, but hey, she's slept through the night since she was 2 weeks old. Oh and while we're on the subject, she goes to bed "late".... down around 10pm, up around 9am. It works well with my schedule, sorry if that's selfish.
She eats sweets
and she loves them! If i'm eating something tasty I always share (makes her happy and cuts down on my caloric intake, right? ).
T.V., Movies...
yup, she watches them all. She has always been mesmerized by everything from Baby Einstein to Mickey Mouse. Granted this isn't a daily occurance, but still i'm ok with the fact that I let my child watch T.V.. It's so freaking cute to watch her dance to everything.
I haven't "encouraged" walking
... i'm just not ready for it yet. She walks by holding on to things and stands alone for periods of time. I'm always there to help. When she's ready to walk, she'll walk. I'm not forcing anything on her. She already looks like a little kid(and acts like a teenager) sometimes . I'm not ready for her to be one yet.
I entered her into the GAP baby casting call
yup i'm one of those moms. I'm always being told to enter her into contests, so I did. Plus, how cool would it be if she won!!

*The list could go on..... This post was not meant to provoke pity on anyones part. Just the simple truth. Hopefully this is just first time parent un-surity(is that even a word?) Sometimes I just feel like a bad mom, particularly when my actions are being questioned and criticized by others. (Why is it that all "mothers" have the "BEST" advice?)
Bottom line, Halle is one of the happiest babies ever so I must be doing something right.


mylyn wood said...

Props to you for putting it out there! I hate getting the guilt trip too from the older generation especially who think "you can't spoil a child." I feel like a bad mom all the time around them. This post made me feel better! I wish Owen slept thru the night at 2 weeks! I'll have to have you help me with that on the next one!

Andi said...

I love it! You don't sound like a bad mom to me. You sound like a realistic, down-to-earth mom that a lot of people could learn from! Seriously, some people are so high strung...

I love when people are honest on their blogs and don't care if other people don't think they're "perfect." Good for you.

Andrea said...

I think we all feel like a "bad Mom" at times! But let me tell you this, your are a GREAT Mom and little miss Halle is proof of that! She looks adorable all the time, and you can tell how much you love her in your posts.

So ease up, pat yourself on the back and realize that motherhood aint the easiest thing in the world, but it's SO worth it! I think your doing a great job :0)


I don't see anything wrong with one thing you are doing. You be the kind of mom that Halle needs. She is happy and that is all that matters. Every kid is different and requires different things. I love you Kaity, I think that was a great post, kinda funny actually. Just tell everyone to shut the heck up, and be a parent to their own kid. HAHa

Cassidy Legg said...

UH I am most of those same things so... I obviously dont think your a bad mom... Kendall is screaming in her crib as I type....

Brandon, Camille & Milo said...

You are my Hero! Thank you so much for help on making my pictures bigger!!

Cody, Natalie, Kasia and Cooper! said...

That was AWESOME!! :) If your a bad mom then I am too. LOL. And I know we are not bad moms. :) We both have CUTE little girls who are absolutely PERFECT! :) Your her mom and you can raise her however you want. Its not up to anyone else! :)
BTW... Let me know when your free to do some pics! I REALLY want a cute family picture done!! :)

Anonymous said...

I say if you're happy and she's happy then whatever! Maybe I'm the bad mom because I can't wait to put my kids to bed even if some nights that means 7!

Cody, Natalie, Kasia and Cooper! said...

Ok I will look at the pictures. Next week is great! I will give ya a call! Thanks!!!