So about my appointment yesterday.... It was SO awesome! Much much much better than I would ever expect! My doctor is the nicest person I have ever met. She was so sweet and so funny. Something so important, because let's face it, this woman is all up in your business! Her office is in the new IMC in Murray, and they have this whole women & newborn center, another plus. That place is SO nice, i'm actually excited to deliver my baby there! We got to hear the heartbeat and actually see the little bug. It was so cool and Jon looked like a kid in a candy store! The babies heart was racing, it was at 170! I measured 12 weeks exactly and she moved my due date to Nov. 3rd. However she told me not to get to comfortable with the idea of a November baby because she wasn't going to let me go to term because i'm so small and that I should plan on having a little pumpkin baby. Works for me :). She asked about my hyperemesis and actually wrote me another prescription. It's for reglan and I haven't tried that, so HOPEFULLY it works! So sick, but yesterday when I was driving I couldn't even make it over to the side of the road in time and just threw up all over myself. It was awful! But kinda funny too. Haha!After the exam and ultrasound and all that we were talking and I told her I had been reading What to Expect when You're Expecting. She looked at me and said, please throw that away! I was so shocked! She told me that it was one of the worst books a low risk first time mother could read because all it does is tell you what could go wrong. This actually made me feel so much better because I have been a total stress case about this pregnancy, i've been worrying way to much about what could go wrong. I swear all I do is ask Jon to give me a blessing like everyday! It was really comforting to hear that I wasn't crazy and that everything with this pregnancy is totally normal. All in all, it was one of my favorite experiences. It all feels so much more real now, I keep just thinking about this little bug inside me.
Isaac: 5 Years Old
5 years ago