
So I HAD to do it... apparently I have a very "pretty" husband. This was hilarious! What's with Jon's celebrity he looks MOST like being Angelina Jolie? Ha!


Aubrey & Garrett Frei said...

How how funny is that! He is a very good looking one that's for sure! And so are you! Look at your look a likes! CHARLIZE. Hello, she's like perfect! Anyway, I would LOVe to gie you more information about this product. It has truly changed my life. CALL ME anytime you have time. 669-6411

Heidi said...

Hi Kaity! I'm glad you commented...it's great seeing what people are up to these days! I will def. tell my family hi! You are your hubby are so cute! Married life is great, huh? Hope you're doing well.

Lambert the Sheepish Lions said...
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Lambert the Sheepish Lions said...
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Brianna said...

Hey Kaity! I've looked at your blog a few times and decided it was time to comment. My husband and I watched your video on the way animals were treated. I have to admit it definitely made us question our eatng habits...however I don't think I could ditch meat altogher. We only buy all natural everything though (Wild Oats!) from animals not injected with hormones, that's gotta count for something right? Anyway, remember when we used to talk about Jay Winward together? Those were the days. He has 2 kids now! Crazy!